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problem with sql server 2008 r2 installation


while installing sql server 2008 r2 i'm getting Not applicable errors, 

The system is  I7 64bit, windows 7 pro.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup - System Configuration Check Report

Computer Name(s): YONI 
Report Date/Time: 08/04/2013 13:17
Saved to Directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20130408_131615\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm

Rule NameRule DescriptionResultMessage/Corrective Action
GlobalRules: SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'GlobalRules'
AclPermissionsFacetChecks if the SQL Server registry keys are consistent.PassedSQL Server registry keys are consistent and can support SQL Server installation or upgrade.
HasSecurityAndBackupPrivilegesCheckChecks whether the account that is running SQL Server Setup has the right to back up files and directories, and the right to manage auditing and the security log.PassedThe account that is running SQL Server Setup has the right to back up files and directories, and the right to manage auditing and security log.
MediaPathLengthChecks whether the SQL Server installation media is too long.PassedThe SQL Server installation media is not too long.
OsVersionCheckChecks whether the computer meets minimum operating system version requirements.PassedThe operating system version meets the minimum requirements for this product.
RebootRequiredCheckChecks if a pending computer restart is required. A pending restart can cause Setup to fail.PassedThe computer does not require a restart.
SetupCompatibilityCheckChecks whether the current version of SQL Server is compatible with a later installed version.PassedSetup has not detected any incompatibilities.
ThreadHasAdminPrivilegeCheckChecks whether the account running SQL Server Setup has administrator rights on the computer.PassedThe account running SQL Server Setup has administator rights on the computer.
WmiServiceStateCheckChecks whether the WMI service is started and running on the computer.PassedThe Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is running.
InstallGlobalRules: SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'InstallGlobalRules'
AclPermissionsFacetChecks if the SQL Server registry keys are consistent.PassedSQL Server registry keys are consistent and can support SQL Server installation or upgrade.
Bids2008InstalledCheckChecks if any of SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio installation exists.PassedSQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio is not installed.
BlockInstallSxSChecks whether there is an existing SQL Server 2008 CTP installation.PassedThere are no previous CTP installations of SQL Server 2008.
FacetDomainControllerCheckChecks whether the computer is a domain controller. Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 on a domain controller is not recommended.PassedThis computer is not a domain controller.
FacetPowerShellCheckChecks whether Windows PowerShell is installed. Windows PowerShell is a pre-requisite of SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Advanced Services.PassedWindows PowerShell is installed or not required.
FacetWOW64PlatformCheckDetermines whether SQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform.PassedSQL Server Setup is supported on this operating system platform.
FusionRebootCheckChecks if a computer restart is required because of broken fusion ATL. A pending restart can cause SQL Server Setup to fail.PassedThe computer does not require a restart.
PerfMonCounterNotCorruptedCheckChecks if existing performance counter registry hive is consistent.PassedThe performance counter registry hive is consistent.
SqlUnsupportedProductBlockerChecks whether SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services is installed. SQL Server 2008 R2 is not supported with SQL Server 7.0.PassedSQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 7.0 OLAP Services is not installed.
SSMS_IsInternetConnectedVerifies that the computer is connected to the Internet. When a Microsoft .NET application like Microsoft Management Studio starts, there maybe be a slight delay while the .NET security check validates a certificate.PassedThe computer is connected to the Internet and .NET security checks can be completed.
IsFirewallEnabledChecks whether the Windows Firewall is enabled.WarningThe Windows Firewall is enabled. Make sure the appropriate ports are open to enable remote access. See the rules documentation at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=94001 for information about ports to open for each feature.
InstallFeatureSpecificRules: SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup configuration checks for rules group 'InstallFeatureSpecificRules'
ASSPI64bitsMachineCheckChecks whether the computer processor meets the 64-bit requirement for installing SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIExistingFarmMustBeAvailableCheckChecks to see that SharePoint Server 2010 farm is presently available.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIExistingFarmRequiresMoss14FarmCheckChecks for membership in a SharePoint Server 2010 farm.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIExistingFarmRequiresUpgradeCheckChecks existing farm for SharePoint Server 2010.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIIISVersionCheckChecks for Internet Information Services 7.0 or later. IIS 7.0 or later is required for installing SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIInstanceNameNotInUseCheckChecks for the required instance name.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINewFarmNeedsUpgradeToO14MossEnterpriseCheckChecks for an un-configured SharePoint Server 2010.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINewFarmRequiresMoss14BitsCheckChecks whether SharePoint Server 2010 is installed.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINewFarmRequiresMossBitsCheckChecks whether the SharePoint server can be configured.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINewFarmRequiresNewAdminSiteCheckChecks whether the SharePoint Central Administration site name is available.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINewO14EnterpriseFarmUnconfiguredCheckChecks whether Setup will be able to configure the local SharePoint server.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINo32BitsOrWowCheckChecks whether Setup is running in a 64-bit process on a computer that is running a 64-bit operating system. This is required for installing SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPINoExistingIMBICheckChecks for an existing instance of SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint. You can have only one instance of PowerPivot for SharePoint on a computer.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIOperationSystemCheckChecks for the Windows Server 2008 or later operating system. This operating system is required for installing SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIProvisionResultValidCheckChecks whether all of the SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint instances in the farm are the same version.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIRequiresCompleteFarmCheckChecks whether SharePoint Server 2010 was installed with the "Farm", "Complete" option.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPISharePointPlatformSupportedCheckChecks whether SharePoint supports current .Net Framework version.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
ASSPIUserIsFarmAdminCheckChecks whether the user running Setup is also a SharePoint farm administrator.Not applicableThis rule does not apply to your system configuration.
EditionRequirementCheckChecks whether the SQL Server edition is supported on this operating system.PassedThis SQL Server edition is supported on this operating system.
RS_W2K3IA64InstallCheckChecks whether the operating system is Window 2003 and the architecture is IA64.PassedThe operating system is not Windows 2003 IA64.
SharedComponentsUpgradeRuleChecks whether SQL Server 2008 shared components (such as IS, BIDS, Tools, SSMS, or BOL) are present on the machine, because installing SQL Server 2008 R2 shared components will automatically upgrade the existing shared components.PassedThere are no shared components of SQL Server 2008 already on the machine.
SlipstreamMediaInfoCheckChecks whether the language of the original media is the same as the language of the service pack for updating the setup media.PassedThe language of the original SQL Server 2008 R2 media and the service pack match.
Sql2005SsmsExpressFacetChecks whether SQL Server 2005 Express Tools are installed.PassedThe SQL Server 2005 Express Tools are not installed.
VSShellInstalledRuleChecks for previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008PassedPrevious releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 is not installed or already upgraded to SP1.

Rules Documentation: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157129 
Community: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157128 
Setup Help File: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157127

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