I am using SQL Server Management Studio 2008R2 to configure security within SQL Express 10.50. I am unable to log into an ASP.NET 4.0 site using the native roles/membership. The site is hosted as the default IIS site, locally Win7. I need to map my database to the site.
Opening Mgmt. Studio as Administrator, right clicking on Security and selecting New Login for "NT Authority\Network Service", permission is denied. Since I can't add the login, I am unable to map the "user" NTA\NS to the database.
I have logged onto the local Win7 PC as Administrator and as myself. The existing SQLExpress logins are "BUILTIN\Users", "sa", and my domain account. The site uses Windows Authentication. My domain account is both local admin and domain admin!
How is it possible that the Administrator is in fact NOT the "administrator"? What account is the actual equivalent to superuser aka su or root.